torsdag 30. september 2010

Having a place just waiting for a quilt helps : )

This must be a perfect place for my quilt.  With my Chinese furniture and my Chinese picture.  Well its called Japanese folding technique.  Close enough : )  If Im real clever it will be up sunday evening.  I m real good at making promises, so just let us se what happens : )

Going slowly, but going forward : )

Have done 46 up to now ... only 54 left... I will do it ... I will .... If I make ten each evening, it will only take five more days : )  .... fortunately I still love the colors and being able to take them with me where ever I go helps.  But, my mind is starting to think of other projects I could do.  Maybe I should do 15 each evening .... yes I will ...

torsdag 23. september 2010

The beginning of something ...large !

The first 12 pieces .... I could lie and say that the shape are not supposed to be the same ,  but they are.... give me some time , and I will get it perfect.  Well , I love the colors.... will probably use some more yellow ... and the pattern ... I have no idea .... first I will make plenty, and we will see what will happen : ))
This is the colors I would like to use for this project..... white for the senter .... brown, turquoise and yellow for the outside .... and of course the padding : )

Japansk bretteteknikk .....

This is one of my favorite books, by two norwegian ladies .... this technique is called " Japansk bretteteknikk" ( Japanese folding technique ) ....its pretty easy to do, but not so easy to get one block looking like the other : )  .... but perhaps after making one hundred of them, I will get it right....

søndag 19. september 2010

Happy faces .... and a dog : )

The rest of the gang ... in the wrong order : )  ..... Terje my oldest son (22) studying Biology  ..... our dog Jenny ...... and Ingrid , my sons girlfriend who is studying to be a nurse.

GUTTABOYS ... trying to get a photo of all my boys almost impossible task.

Vegard (almost 21) a student of Comparative Politics and Chinese.... next is Brede ( 15) who is a promising track and field athlete.  To the right is Runar ( 19) for the time being he is in 1 year mandatory military service. My oldest son was visiting his girlfriend when this foto was taken ... 

The aaalmost finished project...

Find one mistake. If you cant find it then Im not gonna tell you ;)

fredag 17. september 2010

Here we go !
First I cut out five fabrics for the birds (and the wings), then one light color for the background.  I attach the fabrics like you do with the flying geese.
At last I attach a bacground color on the top and bottom.  It just misses a tail, eyes, a pair of running legs and hair, and it will look like a bird : )  

torsdag 16. september 2010

One of many Autumn projects.

What to do with these lovely colors ?  An idea on a piece of paper , but how will it look with my fabrics ? 


tirsdag 14. september 2010

New fabrics from the Quilting heaven of USA

This is the reason I have to let my other project rest, just a little bit.  Love these Autumn colors, and black and yellow colors, and blue , and ...... 

I have to start my blog eventually, so why not with my present project.  Never done the Bears paw before.  Fun to do.  All done by hand.  Have to let it rest a bit before i continue.